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"If it can be written or thought, it can be filmed."
Stanley Kubrick
Feature Film
Telling stories - arousing emotions - entertaining people, that is the primal source of filmmaking and the feature film its original form.
Here East End Film has its roots.
Series are the serialized novels of the 21st century. Modern storytelling cannot ignore this form of narration, and series concepts also find a home at East End Film.
We are happy to put our know-how from film and series production at the service of your company or your product. Please feel free to contact us.
A rolling stone gathers no moss!
At East End Film we also deal with new technologies like 360° video, VR and social media.
East End Film GmbH is just the beginning of a path that not everyone dares to go. We want to kidnap people and inform them at the same time. Driven by this goal, we have been able to bring numerous projects to life over the past years. Our experience ranges from feature films to series production and we have been able to build a wide network of filmmakers in every field.
Showreel 2021
We want to kidnap people and inform them at the same time. Our experience ranges from feature films to series production and we have been able to build a wide network of filmmakers in every field.
In production
In Production

Elaine Niessner
General Manager / Producer
"The great thing about making movies is the people you meet!"
Current series: The Morning Show, Black Mirror, Babylon Berlin.

Tommy Niessner
General Manager / Producer
"Film is teamwork - No one has ever made a film alone, and if they have, they certainly haven't done it well."
Current series:
Downton Abbey, Das Boot, Westworld

Dennis Krahwinkel
Media Designer
"Did the rental car come with a deductible, Tommy?"
Current series:
Love, Death and Robots.

Elaine Niessner
General Manager

Tommy Niessner
General Manager

Dennis Krahwinkel
Media Designer
Elaine Niessner

General Manager
Tommy Niessner

General Manager
Dennis Krahwinkel

Video Content Manager
This is us...
Relevantes emotional erzählen!
East End
Telling relevant things emotionally!
East End Film pursues the goal of offering viewers films that challenge and touch them both emotionally and intellectually. The young and ambitious production company was founded in 2011 by siblings Tommy and Elaine Niessner. The selection of their material is strongly oriented towards the topics dealt with in it. The aim is to create an emotional approach to topics of social relevance.
In 2013, East End Film co-produced with Oliver Damian of 27 Films their first feature film directed by German-Georgian Dito Tsintsadze. The international co-production was released in German cinemas in June 2016 under the title “God of Happiness” and made it to the pre-selection for the German Film Award in 2017.
In recent years, East End Film has also produced several very successful short films in various genres. In 2017, they produced OFFSCREEN, ZDF’s first fictional series for funk, the youth online channel of the public broadcaster. In November 2018, the shooting of “Borga” took place, in co-production with Chromosomfilm and in collaboration with the debut-in-three editorial team of SWR and arte, funded by MFG, Hessenfilm, DFFF and BKM reference funds.
Currently, the production of the 360° VR project “People2People” is in the pipeline, also supported by MFG through a prototype grant from DCF. For “Roxy”, East End Film has already been awarded script, PV and production funding by MFG.
GUARDIAN is currently in a hot phase of post-production and with your help can be completed in the coming months. Check out our crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo!
Film verfolgt das Ziel, Zuschauern Filme zu bieten, die sowohl emotional als auch intellektuell herausfordern und berühren. Die junge und ambitionierte Produktionsfirma wurde 2011 von den Geschwistern Tommy und Elaine Niessner gegründet. Die Auswahl ihrer Stoffe orientiert sich stark an den darin behandelten Themen. Dabei soll ein emotionaler Zugang zu Themen von sozialer Relevanz geschaffen werden.
2013 produzierte East End Film in Co-Produktion mit Oliver Damian von 27 Films ihren ersten Kinofilm unter der Regie des Deutsch-Georgiers Dito Tsintsadze. Die internationale Koproduktion startete im Juni 2016 unter dem Titel „God of Happiness“ in den deutschen Kinos und schaffte es 2017 in die Vorauswahl zum Deutschen Filmpreis.
In den letzten Jahren produzierte East End Film zudem mehre sehr erfolgreicheKurzfilme unterschiedlichster Genres. 2017 produzierten sie mit OFFSCREEN die erste fiktionale Serie des ZDF für funk, den Jugend-Online Kanal der öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender. Im November 2018 fanden die Dreharbeiten zu „Borga“ statt, in Koproduktion mit Chromosomfilm und in Zusammenarbeit mit der Debüt-im-Dritten Redaktion des SWR und arte, gefördert von MFG, Hessenfilm, DFFF und BKM Referenzmitteln.
Derzeit steht die Produktion des 360°-VR Projektes „People2People“ an, das ebenfalls von der MFG durch eine Prototypen-Förderung des DCF unterstützt wird. Für „Roxy“, hat East End Film von der MFG bereits Drehbuch, PV und Produktionsförderung zugesprochen bekommen.
GUARDIAN ist gerade in einer heißen Phase der Postproduktion und kann mit eurer Hilfe in den kommenden Monaten fertig gestellt werden. Schaut auf unserer Crowdfunding-Kampagne auf Indiegogo vorbei!

East End Film GmbH
Ostendstr. 60, 70188 Stuttgart - +49 (0) 711 91216305 (Office)
- Impressum